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Current Weather at Bridgeview Harbour Marina
Wind Map by Windy.com
Bridgeview Harbour Weather is broadcast via MADIS under Station ID G0385
Current Radar
Radar Data Provided by The Vaisala XWeather API Platform.Additional Layers can be added via the layers toggle in the top right

NOAA Weather Radio
NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards (NWR) is a nationwide radio network providing continuous weather information directly from the nearest NWS office. NWR broadcasts official Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Port Henry, NY is covered by 2 NOAA Weather Radio stations. Gore Mountain (KSC43) and Castleton, Vermont. Both stations cover Essex County, NY (SAME Location Code: 036031)
At home or on the water, it is a good idea to have a NOAA Weather capable radio on hand. Most Marine VHF come pre-programed with NOAA Weather Radio Frequencies.
- KSC43 Gore Mountain, 38.6 Miles 163.450 MHz, 300 Watts
- WNG671 Castleton, Vermont, 38.5 Miles162.500 MHz, 300 Watts
Find Our Weather Data
Government Sponsored Weather Sites
Questions about Weather
Do you have questions about our weather data, air monitoring, radio network, or webcam?
Reach out to us and one of our weather nerds will get back to you!